Monday, December 27, 2010

Real Ghost Photo: Ghost in Confederate Cemetery

This photograph was taken by a tourist visiting the Confederate cemetery near Carnton Mansion in Franklin, Tennessee. Nothing out of the ordinary was seen when the picture was taken however if you look to the upper right of the photograph, hovering in the trees appears to be a figure of man in uniform. Closer examination suggests him to be a Confederate soldier.

The American Resting Place: 400 Years of History Through Our Cemeteries and Burial Grounds Stories in Stone: The Complete Guide to Cemetery Symbolism Cemetery Walk: Journey into the Art, History and Society of the Cemetery and Beyond Rest in Peace: A History of American Cemeteries (People's History)
Cemeteries (Library of Congress Visual Sourcebooks) Haunted Cemeteries: Creepy Crypts, Spine-Tingling Spirits, and Midnight Mayhem Beautiful Death: The Art of the Cemetery (Penguin Studio Books)
Beauty in the Grove: Spring Grove Cemetery & Arboretum Your Guide to Cemetery Research Forever Dixie: A Field Guide to Southern Cemeteries & Their Residents

1 comment:

  1. In addition to the man in uniform mentioned, I see a face, (larger in scale), just below and nearly overlapping the first man. Also, perhaps a woman in white facing to the right below the second man's face. She is smaller in scale to the first two and appears to be walking on the ground.
