Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Canvey Island Monster: Unexplained Creature

The Canvey Island Monster: Unexplained Creature

The Discovery

In August of 1954, a man stumbled upon a strange, lifeless creature covered in seaweed on the shores of Canvey Island, Great Britain. After carefully examining the animal, he was certain it was unlike any creature he had ever seen. It appeared to be a marine animal but strangely exhibited some land-bearing animal characteristics - it had feet and legs!

Two zoologists were called in to make a professional evaluation of the creature. Photographs were taken of the animal which must have stood around 2 1/2 feet tall with 5 toes arranged in a 'U' shape and a concave arch. It had thick, brownish skin and two protruding eyes. They agreed that this was some unknown species of animal. Unfortunately, after examining the animal, the zoologists took it upon themselves to create the creature.

The Canvey Island Monster: Unexplained Creature

Second Animal Found

Less than 3 months latter, in November of 1954, Reverend Joseph Overs stumbled upon another one of the creatures about 2 miles from the location of the first creature's discovery. It appeared basically the same as the first creature only a little larger (and in better condition). This one stood around 4 feet tall. They estimated that it weighed about 25 pounds. It had the same 2 large eyes, nostrils, sharp teeth, and gills. An like the first creature, it had legs and feet.

To date, the origin of this species remains unknown...


  1. omg thats the same pic on a ufo program how can u take credit for somthink u didnt take

  2. That picture is one of the 'Plum Island' monsters from America. Its an experimental laboratory where animal and human genes are fused to come up with vile reations such as this.
    The animals either escape or are dumped at sea where they get washed ashore
    This is definatly not the 'Canvey Monster' and looks nothing like it....................and we certainly do not have any palm trees on Canvey I can promise you!!!


  3. Anyone notice the palm trees in backround of canvey island pic.Another indication of fabrication I highly doubt england is tropical.Shamefull,this kind of deception ruins any chace of legitimate finds being taken serious.
