Sunday, February 27, 2011

Real Ghost Photo: Alton Towers Castle Ghosts

Real Ghost Photo: Alton Towers Castle Ghosts

"I recently visited Alton Towers Castle in Staffordshire U.K., as I enjoy looking at the arcitecture of the buildings. As I was inside snapping away taking pictures on my camera phone, I sensed something was in front of me, so I snapped the steps on the picture. It wasn't until a few days after I was looking through the pictures that I noticed something near the steps, so I zoomed in and immediately saw what appears to be a little boy and i was completely taken aback. Then after looking at the picture more closely, I noticed a very tall man standing next to the little boy. I have shown it to several people and they are all totally amazed and have advised me to send it to a professional for advice. Granted, the quality of the picture is very poor as it was taken on my camera phone, and the lighting inside the castle is very poor, but I do genuinely believe that I have captured two spirits. Please would you give me your honest opinion on this as its been playing on my mind alot lately."

- from Erika Phillips

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